Monday, January 31, 2011

Craig Ballantyne's 7 Top Fat Loss Mistakes

When it comes to fat loss, I feel like I've been everywhere and
seen everything. I've watched 95% of people in the gyms struggle
with weight loss and make no progress, but I've also watched the
weirdest and wildest regimens work for others.

And in dealing with thousands of people on the Internet and through
the Men's Health website, I've been able to pick up on the "Seven
Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Fat"

Here they are to help you avoid them...

1. People simply fail to consider the consequences of their actions.

Alwyn Cosgrove (one of the top trainers in the business) once told
me, "I get my clients to think, 'Will this help me or not? Is this
a positive step or not?' If you can see that every action that you
take is either helping you lose fat or stopping you from losing
fat, then you will start to make better choices." 

So remember that everything you put in your mouth is either for or
against fat loss. And every exercise choice you make is either for
or against fat loss. "Get that", Alwyn says, "and you're a hit."

2. People neglect to control their insulin and blood sugar levels -
2 key factors in determining whether or not the body fat will come

If you eat processed foods you are guaranteed to elevate your
insulin & blood sugar levels. If you do that, your body sends the
message, "Store fat!", and you won't make any progress. So avoid
white-flour based bakery products, sugary drinks, and almost any
carbohydrate snack that comes in a bag or a box.

3. People train like it's the 80's.

Yes, I know. Eighties music is popular again. But that doesn't mean
ineffective training methods from the 80's like light weights, low
intensity steady state cardio, and endless low-intensity ab work
should also make a comeback. That type of training should stay
buried in the back issues of cheesy muscle magazines. Stick to
strength training and interval training for efficient and effective
body changing routines.

I know that the "fat-burning" zone and "morning cardio on an empty
stomach" has been drilled into your heads by well-meaning trainers
and articles, but science just doesn't support this.

The latest on fat loss research from Australia has shown that a
20-minute interval program led to significantly more weight loss
than 40-minute aerobic sessions. 

We must adapt our programs to the science in order to succeed.
Don't be left behind!

4. People don't take 30 minutes to plan their next day's food

If you fail to do this, you will set your fat loss efforts back by
a minimum of 72 hours. Without a good meal plan, you are left to
hunt and gather food in the modern world. And that's a recipe for
fat loss disaster. You are bound to eat something processed if you
aren't prepared. You will lose the fat burning benefits from
yesterday's workout and it will take until the end of the following
day to get back on track. An entire 72-hour period wasted.

5. People don't eat enough vegetables.

We can thank John Berardi for making it common knowledge that you
should eat fiber-rich vegetables at every meal to assist your fat
loss efforts. By doing so, you'll control your blood sugar and
insulin - thus supporting the optimal hormonal situation for fat loss.

6. People screw up their hormones with poor lifestyle choices.

If you are out boozing and staying up late on the weekend, you are
shutting down your fat loss and messing up the optimal hormonal
environment for fat burning. I will talk a lot more about the
optimal hormonal levels for fat loss in the future, as I believe
this is the underrated key to building your best body ever.

7. People don't plan and monitor their training sessions.

If you are still going to the gym without a plan, then you are
going to have a hard time losing fat. And if you aren't recording
your workouts and eating habits, then you aren't losing as much fat
as you probably can. To fix this mistake, start by getting on track
with strength training and interval training. It's guaranteed to
get you lean.

I know that your motivation is high at this time of the year. So
grab a good program based on science, add to that a nutrition PLAN
(that is actually planned out on paper - like the TT Nutrition
Guidelines from Dr. Chris Mohr), and get some social support on
your side and you will succeed this year.

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here: 



Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. Become a TT Success Stories just like these men and women

"TT Training has revolutionized my workout routine--NO more excuses!
No time for the gym...NO problem, can't go outside...No problem! The
bodyweight workouts kept me strong this fall." 
Mary Iverson

"Hi Craig, I am enjoying Turbulence Training. I am a personal
trainer, so I've incorporated much of it into my sessions. Though
I used some philosophies from TT, your program has added a world of
new ideas, methods, and techniques to my client sessions. And for
that, I thank you so very much. Even my wife loves it, ha! So
much more to read and implement, so TT reading will keep me busy
for many months to come. Make it a great day!"
Loren Salas

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here: 


"The things I like the most in the TT program: a) Large number of
different exercises allowing for ever new combinations, which
prevent boredom and routine. b) Different approaches to strength
training (dumbbells, own body, simple implements). c) A lot of
precise information about pacing, timing and choosing effort
levels. d) Sound and solid information on kinesiology and
physiology of training."
Peter Tancig 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Craig Ballantyne Discusses 8 Metabolism Boosters

Your metabolism is your fat loss foundation.

It keeps burning and burning fat 24 hours a day...the only problem

is, do you have a fast metabolism? And if not, what can you do

about it to boost your metabolism and burn fat to lose weight?

Your metabolism is basically how many calories you burn each day.

Children have faster metabolic rates than adults, and we all know

about the legendary metabolism's of teenage boys. That's the

metabolism you wish you had.

And while it is inevitable that your metabolism decreases with age,

it doesn't doom you to gaining weight. It might even decrease 30%

over your life, but really, is that any reason to become

overweight? No way. Not when you can turn it around with a couple

of simple, proven techniques listed below...

Here are 8 possible metabolic boosters and the truth about whether

each works.

1) Strength training

Claim: Boosts metabolism up to 10% after a training program


In fact, despite what many men and women think, harder exercise is

better for your metabolism. However, please note that 1 pound of

muscle does not burn 50 calories per day.

In one study, women received a greater metabolic boost from using 8

repetitions per set rather than traditional high-rep (12 reps)

sets. So stick to harder exercises (pushups and more advanced

bodyweight exercises) or dumbbell exercises.

2) Breakfast

Claim: Because it stops your "fasting", it can boost metabolism

True? Maybe yes, maybe no. Your metabolism won't go into

"starvation mode" without breakfast, but it is associated with

successful weight loss. So make it a habit to consume some protein,

fiber, & fruit (& even veggies if you can fit them in) at this

time. This will keep your appetite in check till your next break or

even lunch.

3) Green Tea

Claim: Burns an extra 80 calories per day

True? Not really. It has been shown to burn 80 calories per day in

young men on the first day of supplementation, but will this affect

last once your body gets used to it? I don't think.

After all, take a look at caffeine. You can find studies that show

it increases metabolism as well. But really, is anyone losing fat

with caffeine? The revolving doors at Starbucks say "No!".

Coffee is okay in moderate doses, and I recommend Green Tea to

everyone, but for health reasons, not for fat loss. The only way

you will lose fat with Green Tea is if you replace a 300+-calorie

Frappucino with an iced, unsweetened Green Tea. Otherwise, don't

count on it for much in terms of metabolism.

4) Fat Burners

Claim: Boost your metabolism big time!

Fat burners are simply caffeine pills with a few other ingredients thrown

in. You'll get an increase in mental energy, but that doesn't mean it will

significantly boost metabolism or burn fat.

5) Ice Cold Water with Lemon Juice Squeezed into it

Claim: The body will burn calories warming up the water and the

lemon juice also burns more fat.

Truth? Nice in theory, short in practice. Nobody is losing fat with

ice cold water. If it sounds too good to be true - you know the

rest of the story.

6) Eating 6 small meals per day

Claim: Boosts metabolism and can help control cholesterol.

Possibly true. Try and split your meals up into smaller meals that can be

eaten over the course of the day. This might be part of the breakfast magic...

7) Protein

Claim: Burns more calories (uses more calories in digestion than

carbohydrates or fat).

True, but…

I'm not sure if this is significant, but protein also helps

fill you up longer. And that's where the real benefit comes in -

preventing overeating. And if you want details, another study

showed that animal protein results in more energy burned than

vegetable protein.

8] Interval training

Claim: Interval training causes a greater increase in post-exercise

metabolism than regular cardio.

I certainly believe it.

And I do know this. A recent study from Australia found that a

shorter interval program led to more weight loss than a

twice-as-long aerobic training program. This confirms the original

interval training study from as far back as 1994 that showed

greater results from a shorter interval program when compared to a

traditional cardio program.

Bottom line: Intervals work!

So we see that hard work and diligent eating burn more calories and

that magic pills and potions don't work.

But that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. My advice? Add

strength, intervals, mini-meals, and protein to your weight loss

plan and you'll be leaner and warmer thanks to your faster


Click here to start firing up your metabolism today with TT workouts:


Turbulence Training was built to boost your metabolism,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. It worked for these folks!

"I Coach busy women with no time to look in the mirror, let alone

adopt a whole foods lifestyle or exercise yet already! And yet,

your Turbulence strategies show almost everyone that everyone has

all of the time they'll ever need to include exercise as a fun,

performance-promotion essential to their lives. This program is

amazing and plenty challenging because it is simple. Clear but lets

no one off the hook. I'm thrilled to say this is a great addition

to any woman's arsenal of what to do"

Ann G. Burgess, President, Pathfinders' Fitness by Design,

Arlington , MA

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:


"In November of 2005, I noticed that I had put on a significant

amount of weight. I had avoided getting on the scale b/c I was

afraid to see how bad the # was. With my job, I had many client dinners

frequently and I wasn't taking into the consideration of how much it was

impacting my weight.

I was still working out, but didn't have a solid program that I

committed to. I went to the gym when I had time. When I finally got on

the scale I noticed that my weight hit an all time high of 228lbs!!! Not good,

when I know my optimal weight for my frame is 210lbs.

The last 3 months I committed to Turbulence Training and made some

modifications to my diet outlined in the TT program. What I realized

is that the workouts were more intense, I burned more calories and

I made it out of the gym in less time then I previously did. This

worked well for my busy schedule and it was simple to commit to

this program.

After a 3 month commitment, I am happy to say I am now back at

210lbs and feel better then I have in years. All thanks to the TT

program. I have tried many programs and this is the most effective

and simple program I have ever used. I recommend to anyone that faces

the same busy work/personal life that I do."

Dion Guerin, Sales, Toronto

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Craig Ballantyne Discusses Cutting Workout Time

The #1 reason for not working out is a lack of time.

If you get up at 5:30am to drive an hour to work, only to get home

at 6pm and then have to launch right into carting the kids around,

who can blame you for not working out? Not when it takes 45 minutes

to do cardio, and another 30-45 minutes for isolation bodybuilding


If that's the way you have to exercise to lose fat, then

practically no normal person is going to be able to pull that off.

But when you look at the science, you'll see that you can get more

results in less time. You just have to increase the intensity of

the workout, but at the same time, you can cut your workout time in

half (or more!).

I am convinced that an effective fat loss workout can be done in 45

minutes or less, and that long, slow, excruciatingly boring cardio

is not necessary for you to get the body you want. Please, read

on to discover why interval training is superior to traditional

cardio exercise for fat loss:

Q: What is the role of interval training vs. steady state aerobics

in a fat loss program?


Interval training is more important than cardio. First of all, it

gets more results in less time. And with "lack of time" being the

number one reason most people do not participate in a training

program at all, clearly intervals are the winner here.

Now let's just assume that lack of time is not a problem. Well,

interval training is still more effective because it applies more

"turbulence" to the muscle. Or in scientific terms, interval

training results in a greater metabolic stress on the muscle.

And that causes more calories to be burned in the important 23.5

hours per day when you are not exercising.

From there, the muscle must work to recover, repair, and replenish

the energy that was used in the training. It is much more metabolic

work for the muscle to recover from interval training (and strength

training) than it is to recover from aerobic training.

Therefore, in the post-exercise period, interval training results

in more calories burned.

In fact, I just read a new study from Australia that shows interval

training is superior to slow cardio for fat loss.

The researchers, Trapp & Boutcher put WOMEN through a 15-week

study where one group was a control, one group did intervals (20

minutes of alternating sprints and recovery), and one group did 40

minutes of slow cardio.

The interval group lost 2.5kg of fat in 15 weeks on average (with

one subject losing 7.7kg of fat), while the slow cardio group lost

only 0.4kg of fat over 15 weeks on average.

The results speak for themselves.

So don't get hung up on how many calories are burned during a

training session with aerobic training. That is not nearly as

important as how many total calories your body burns over the

course of the day - and you will burn more with interval training.

And for those that subscribe to the fat burning zone as being

important, again, you aren't looking at the big picture (the

24-hour calorie burning period). Instead, those that believe in the

importance of the fat-burning zone have a myopic view of how the

body works.

The same message applies to those people that live and die by the

cardio on an empty stomach method. You're "nickel and dime-ing" the

fat loss process, when really it's a much bigger budget to balance.

Look at the big picture. Get your nutrition in order, then focus

your workouts on brief, intense strength and interval training

workouts that increase your metabolism for the next 24 hours.

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:


Check out free, $1.00, and $5.00 offers here:


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fat Loss Workout Q’n’A

Do you have questions about Turbulence Training? How it works?

What's in the workouts? Or even what does it mean? Recently, Craig

Ballantyne was interrogated about his Turbulence Training system. Here are

the answers to your questions...

Q: First, can you tell us the basics about Turbulence Training?


Turbulence Training is the result of years of study in the gym and

in the research labs and library. From personal experience, I've

found the best way to lose fat and get results in the least amount of

time is to increase your training intensity.

With the right workout, you can get more fat loss results in less

workout time. Period. That is the one and only goal of this

training program. A better body in fewer workout sessions, and

shorter exercise bouts.

That means:

a) Shorter interval workouts instead of long slow cardio workouts

b) More challenging strength training exercises, such as advanced

bodyweight exercises and some traditional strength training free

weight exercises

If you have two hours to spend in the gym everyday, you can feel

free to stick to the same relatively ineffective and inefficient

program of long cardio and light weights. But if you are like most

men and women and have 45 minutes (or less) on only three days of

the week to workout, then Turbulence Training will work wonders for


Male or female, almost everyone I see in traditional fitness centers

could benefit from increasing the challenge in their workout. And

they can also benefit from getting in and out of the gym faster.

So that's what led me to Turbulence Training. It's simple, no B.S.,

no-fluff, just-the-basics, results-oriented training. You don't

need fancy gym machines or even an expensive gym membership. If you

have a bench, a ball and some dumbbells at home, you are set.

Q: Okay so it’s a training program that will melt body fat fast,

but what makes it so effective?


Most people are so darn hung-up on burning a specific number of

calories on a cardio machine, that they don't care how long they

spend in the gym.

But big deal. If you burn X calories over 30 minutes in the gym

doing cardio, but don't boost your post-exercise metabolism, you're

wasting the other 23.5 hours to burn a lot more calories.

That's what happens with slow, steady workouts that never change.

Sure you burn a few calories in the gym, but there is no "turbulence"

on the body to increase your metabolism outside of the gym.

Instead, by using challenging strength training, and choosing

intervals over monotonous cardio, research has shown that your post

workout metabolism is significantly greater. And an increased

metabolism for an entire 24 hour period is what gives people


It's like putting money in the bank. It makes you more money even

while you sit at home or sleep! That's the power of a more

challenging workout.

And Turbulence Training workouts, and other "challenging" workouts

are always exponentially more enjoyable than staring at a TV (or

worse a wall) when "doing your time" on a cardio machine. You can

get this great "metabolic turbulence" in a boot camp, with

bodyweight, at home with dumbbells, or even in a busy gym.

Nothing is more effective than Turbulence Training if you only have

45 minutes, three times per week to workout.

Click here to get your Turbulence Training workouts:


Q: Can you explain why resistance training and bodyweight exercises are

so effective for fat loss?


Strength training is just one key for fat loss, it is essential to

maximize your metabolism, and it is absolutely, positively

paramount to building the best body of your dreams.

For those that doubt, start with bodyweight training. Not only is

this method of strength training effective at helping you sculpt

your body, but it is also empowering to your self-confidence and

100% applicable to your daily living.

Everything from carrying groceries to "seks" will be easier if you

are stronger in the bodyweight exercises. Your mobility and stamina

will increase, so that you will be able to carry your children to

bed easier, you will be able to do yardwork with less fatigue, and

you'll literally improve your "zest for life" simply from mastering

your bodyweight strength.

All of these benefits without touching a single free weight...but

if you do go with free weights, you'll take your fitness to an even

greater level.

Research from the 2001 meeting of the American College of Sports

Medicine showed that female subjects boosted their post-exercise

metabolism to a greater level when they did 8 reps per exercise,

rather than 12 reps.

So low rep, strength training is best for boosting metabolism. It

will get you more results in less time because it will continue to

work while you recover. Train hard & train safe!


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. You’ll never miss a workout with Turbulence Training…

"Craig, I just wanted to let you know that I've been using your

Turbulence Training System to whip myself back into shape after a

vacation and too much time in front of the computer getting a

couple of projects completed and I've dropped 10.2 lbs. of body fat

in the last 28 days. As a fellow fitness professional I can safely

say that it's the best and most efficient approach to improving

body composition that I've come across."

Pat Rigsby

President, The Fitness Consulting Group

Click here to get your Turbulence Training workouts:


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Best Exercises for Fat Loss

In the 80's and 90's workout magazines that I read, fat loss

workouts recommended isolation exercises, like the leg extension

machine and the chest-fly machine as being best for helping your

sculpt your body. But we've come a long way since then...

Today I want to show you how to choose the best exercises, and even

the right exercise order, to get the most fat loss and

body-sculpting in the least amount of time.

Let's start with some simple rules on how to pick the exercises.

1. Exercises should always work multiple muscle groups.

2. Exercises should be done standing, whenever possible.

3. Exercises should be effective for fat loss even if only the

bodyweight version is used (i.e. squats).

4. The hardest (most intense) exercises should always be first.

Before I explain the rules in detail, let's first cover the warm-up.

Every Turbulence Training workout starts with a general warm-up. By

now, you should know that I don't like the traditional 5-minute

cardio workout (excluding those who need it for injury purposes,

according to their health care professional).

The purpose of the warm-up is to specifically prepare your muscles

for action. Walking on a treadmill for 5 minutes does little in

terms of preparing your body for strength training. Therefore, I

start every workout with a general, total body circuit.

When putting together total-body workouts and warm-ups, I think

about 4 "hot zones" on the body. And I have to address all four hot

zones with exercises in the warm-up. The hot zones are:

a) Back of Legs

b) Upper Back

c) Chest

d) Abdominals

Why do I only worry about the back of legs? Because almost all

multi-joint movements that train the back of the legs will also

stress the quadriceps, even if only in a static contraction.

Take for example, this general warm-up (to be used in place of the


A) Y-Squat (hold your hands over your head in a "Y" formation) - 15


B) Close-grip Pushups (kneeling or advanced) - 8 reps

C) Stick-up - 8 reps

Hopefully you can see how that hits all 4 hot zones through dynamic

and static contractions. If you don't, let me know.

Ok, now we are ready to move on to the meat of the workout.

As stated above in the rules, we must pick our hardest, most

intense exercises first, and perform them in sets of low reps.

Here's a Turbulence Training bodyweight-only, body-sculpting

workout routine that I've designed to show you the correct exercise

order, and the types of exercise that are best for changing your


I'll be using this exact workout with one of my high-profile movie

stars this afternoon. She needs to keep her body sculpted without

bulking up. But she still needs to be strong, lean, and athletic

for her fight scenes in the movie she is filming.

1A) Split Squat (8 reps) [Advanced use the Bulgarian Split Squat]

1B) Elevated Pushup (8 reps per side) [Kneeling or Advanced)

2A) Step-up (12 reps)

2B) Bodyweight Row (8 reps) (Beginner or Advanced)

3A) Stability Ball Jackknife (15 reps)

3B) Back Extension on Ball (15 reps)

Each superset (i.e. 1A & 1B) is done 3 times with no rest between

exercises A and B, but with a 30 seconds rest after B, before you

repeat the superset.

Following the strength portion of the workout, complete the workout

with Interval Training.

Each exercise uses multiple muscle groups, so that more calories

will be burned during and after exercise.

We also design each superset to use two intense, non-competing

exercises. We use low reps where possible. We train for strength at

the start of the workout when we are fresh.

What do I mean by non-competing?

That means, you should be able to perform the two exercises back to

back with minimal fatiguing effects from the prior exercise. You

have to pair exercises that don't use the same muscle groups.

The rules of exercise selection and exercise order will allow you

to get lean, boost your metabolism, and to train with a

high-intensity throughout the entire workout.

So when I put the exercises together, it is all about putting them

in the right order to get you lean.

Click here to get the Turbulence Training workouts:


Full body workouts sculpt a better body faster,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Creator, Turbulence Training

P.S. You've asked, "Can women use Turbulence Training"?

I'll let these female clients answer...

"Everywhere I go, people who I haven't seen in a long time see me

and are shocked at my transformation. For a 37 year

old, married, mother of 4 to hear that she looks "hot" or

"terrific" is the ultimate compliment! Your program has

completely changed me. I have tone muscles in places I never

thought would be tone again! Thank you for your sincere dedication

to those of us who want to make a difference in our lives."

Terri Stuckey, Chardon, Ohio

Click here to get your Turbulence Training workouts:


"Wow! I have been a Certified Personal Trainer for 7 years and I

have not seen any other program that works as quickly or

effectively. Within 3-4 weeks of doing the Turbulence Training

program, I lost the last 8 pounds, and am now happy to be at my

pre-pregnancy weight- and stronger than I was before."

Annette Allen

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