There are so many reasons that I believe that chin ups are not only superior to dumbbell and barbell curls, but are the best exercise for biceps. First of all, chin ups provide for a much larger range of motion than do curls. When you do curls, all that is requires is that you raise a dumbbell or a barbell to my chin whereas in chin ups, you have to raise your entire body weight up to a bar. Think about this logically. I will use myself as an example. What is more difficult for me dumbbell curls with 50-60 pounds, barbell curls with 120 pounds, or chinning my entire 182 ponds of weight?
Chin Ups Are Cheaper
Another reason to choose chin ups over curls is expense. A portable chin up bar, that you can put in a doorway. Heck! I do my pull ups from the rafters in my garage during my bodyweight circuit routine! As you improve you may want to make your pull ups more difficult. All you have to do is throw some books in a backpack, put it on, and then do your chin ups.
Chin Ups Activate More Muscle Groups
Here's one more plus. Unlike bicep curls which are limited to workoing the biceps, chin ups activate the muscles of the forearms, shoulders, lats and mid-back, all in one exercise. By performing compound exercises like this one, you will have greater upper body strength and more size. And here's one more advantage; the more muscles you use in an exercise, the more calories you use and the more fat you burn! To get the most out of this exercise, raise your body explosively and lower it slowly. If you want to get in a few extra repetitions, you can "cheat" by jumping up to the bar. This method is also good for beginners who lack the body strength to chin themselves.
Chin ups aren't for the faint of heart (or arms). Beginners will find them difficult. How do I know this? Next time you are in a gym, see how many people you see doing chin ups. Most beginners haed straight to the curl bars or dumbells. You may not be able to perform a single repetition. Ask one someone to assist you by lifting your legs, or use the "jump" method from the paragraph above. Then try to increse the number of repetitions each week while using them in your bodyweight circuit routine.
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Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest , CA .
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