The lunge is one of the best leg exercises that can be done with or without weights. The lunge is highly effective in toning, stretching and strengthening every muscle from the big toe to the gluteus. Since it uses multiple groups, it is also excellent for fast weight loss. What makes the lunge so effective is its versatility. There are a number of variations and modifications that emphasize different areas of the lower body. They can also be performed in a rather small area which is great for travelers and those with limited space. They can also be performed in a "walking" manner which is great for warm ups for sporting events. This is a big part of my "toolbag" for training myself as well as my high school soccer players.
The Basic Lunge
How do you do a lunge? It's easy! Start in the standing position then step forward to the extent that your knee reaches a 90 degree angle. Do not go let your knee go any farther forward than right above your toes. You know you have it right because at the end of the movement your trailing knee will almost touch the ground. Then simply step back with your front foot to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.
The Reverse Lunge
The reverse lunge is an equally valuable leg strength exercise. It strengthens a different part of the leg; the hip flexors. Start in the standing position then step backward about 2 feet. As you do, bend the knee of your front leg and lower yourself until your back knee almost touches the ground. Return to the starting position by stepping forward with your back leg then repeat the motion with the opposite leg.
The Lateral Lunge
The lateral lunge is the third and perhaps the best leg strength exercise in the lunge collection. It stretches and strengthens every muscle in the triangle which has the heels as its base and the groin area at its apex. Start in the standing position with your feet together. With your left foot, step to the left about as far as you can, lowering yourself as low as you can on your left leg while you keep your right leg straight. There are two schools of thought on what to do with the heel of your trailing leg. One school of thought says to keep your entire foot flat on the ground. My preference is to keep the heel down and raise the toe to get a better stretch in the groin area. To return to the starting position, push off with the bent leg, then repeat with the opposite leg.
Lunge Circuit
Now that you have all the tools, let's put all of our lunges together in a circuit. The first one is designed to fry your legs and the second one is what I enjoy.a concentration on one area (the legs) within a total body circuit. Try these circuits out as you lunge toward fitness.
Leg Circuit
Basic Lunge 20
Reverse Lunge 20
Lateral Lunge 20
Repeat for 15 min
Total Body Circuit
Basic Lunge 20
Hindu Push Ups 20
Reverse Lunge 20
Hindu Squat 20
Lateral Lunge 20
Jumping Jacks 30
Perform circuit 4 times
Get your Free Fast Weight Loss Workout at Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info. |
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